Raspberry Pi Setup


Once the JDownloader container has been graphically launched for the first time and you’ve logged in to your My-JDownloader account.

Find informations

sudo docker ps -a

output :

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND   CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                        NAMES
9faa323f6f5f   jlesage/jdownloader-2   "/init"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   3129/tcp, 5900/tcp,>5800/tcp   jdownloader-2

Stop the container

sudo docker stop <ID>

Change the main.yml file as follows:

auto_remove: false

Run the playbook again with the jd2 tag, to create the container once more.

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts --tags jd2

Now you can start and stop it, but your My-JDownloader account will always be present at each launch.

sudo docker start <ID>
sudo docker stop <ID>

The container may take some time to appear in My-JDownloader’s interface.